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Please note, even if you are signing up in order to register your child, please enter your own account information here. If you purchase a membership for your child, you will enter their information during checkout, and they will have their own, separate account.

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Pacific Youth Choir Permission Slip & Release of Liability 2024-2025 

By filling out this form you give your permission for your son/daughter to travel with and/or participate in choir activities with representatives of the Pacific Youth Choir (PYC). You understand that the safety and well-being of all participants in these activities will be of utmost concern of the representatives of the choir. You understand that the representatives will exercise their best judgment under the circumstances and act in good faith. You consent to my child taking part in activities and you fully understand that some activities may carry a risk of injury, illness, loss, and possible consequent expense for medical, diagnostic, and curative treatments, and incidental loss and expense. You ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND YOUR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND ASSIGNS, AGREE THAT PACIFIC YOUTH CHOIR AND ANY PYC STAFF MEMBER, REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICE, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEE, AGENT, AS WELL AS TRINITY EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL AND ITS STAFF SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, OTHER INJURY, DAMAGE, LOSS, OR EXPENSE, EITHER TO MY CHILD, MY CHILD’S PROPERTY, OR MY PROPERTY, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH INJURY IS CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE. You represent that your child is physically fit to safely participate in the activities. Should an accident or other medical emergency occur during the activities, and the responsible PYC staff members are unable to timely reach me for medical authorizations, You hereby give consent for PYC staff members to authorize necessary hospitalization and medical treatment, including, but not limited to, injections, anesthesia, surgery, and medication. You represent that your child has current medical insurance coverage and you agree to be responsible for any and all billings and debts incurred with respect to such medical treatment or services. You represent to PYC that you are the natural parent or legal guardian of the child on this registration form and that you consent to the child’s participation in activities associated with PYC during the year of Sept. 2024 to July 2025, and that you agree to abide by the rules and regulations, supervision, and discipline set and applied by PYC and its agents.
You give your permission for your son/daughter to attend functions with PYC during the time period of Sept. 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. 
You have read and understand the above release of liability and medical authorization and agree to its provisions and will update information should it change.
You also agree to pay the PYC $125 enrollment fee asap, 50% of tuition fees by Feb. 1, 2025, and the remaining tuition by April. 1, 2025. If other arrangements need to be made you must call the office 503 780-1675


Please note for all choirs: Partial refunds are considered ONLY if the singer moves residence more than 45 minutes (each way) away from Trinity Cathedral or if the singer has a serious illness.